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Middle School Newsbite: February 24th, 2025

Posted Date: 2/24/25 (11:07 PM)


100 Days of School

The Middle School on Location celebrated the 100th day of school in style. It was a fun-filled celebration, with students hunting high and low for 100 hidden pictures of Principal Miller and his dog, Lemon. It became an exciting scavenger hunt for everyone, from preschoolers to 5th and 6th graders, as they explored the hallways and classrooms to find the images. As a special treat, Miss Isabella, dressed as a 100-year-old lady, surprised the students with a sweet delight, bringing smiles and laughter to the day. It was a memorable way to mark such a milestone, combining adventure, surprise, and lots of joy.

Ms. Williamson & 6th Grade ELA


This year, the 6th graders have been growing as readers and writers using the Wit and Wisdom ELA curriculum. In reading, they have read both narrative and historical fiction texts. They have studied characters, noticing how they overcome hardships and grow throughout a text. They have also studied the hero’s journey and learned how many other books, movies, and TV shows they know follow the hero’s journey structure.

In writing, students have practiced and improved their craft for both expository and narrative writing. Using the texts we have read, students have had to analyze characters and use evidence to support their claims. Students also wrote their own hero’s journey stories using the texts we’ve read as inspiration.

In addition to reading and writing, students have been growing as speakers and listeners.  Students participate in Socratic Seminars a few times each module.  A Socratic Seminar is a structured discussion where students explore a text through open-ended questions.  The 6th graders have risen to the challenge time and time again to express their thinking to their peers and have meaningful academic conversations.

Learning Beyond the Classroom


Crazy 8s Math Club

Crazy 8s Math Club, Season 2, has kicked off at the Middle School on Location. In our first session, students explored the concept of pixelation. They learned how images are enlarged to reveal the tiny squares of color that form the picture. Using multiplication, students calculated how many squares are needed to create a pixelated image. They then created their own large pixelated artwork by following patterned strips and assembling them with colored post-its to complete the final design.

Dental Hygiene

PreK loved learning about dental hygiene and health from local dentist and PreK parent, Dr. Rooney. They had so much fun with hands on activities and great discussions.



Sprinkle Kindness like Confetti

Ms. Arcieri hosted a heartwarming Positivity Lunch Bunch, where students volunteered to spread kindness by inspiring others with random positive messages. Each student wrote uplifting notes on colorful confetti paper, and together, they created enough to share with every student and staff member in the school. It was a wonderful initiative that allowed students to brighten someone’s day with a small but meaningful act of kindness. The confetti-filled messages were a reminder of the power of positivity, creating an atmosphere of support and encouragement throughout the school.


Fostering a Sense of Community


Spirit Week

During Random Acts of Kindness Week, students also took part in an inspiring Spirit Week, filled with fun themes and challenges designed to encourage kindness throughout the school. 

Each day, students were given a new challenge to incorporate into their routine, such as sitting with someone new at lunch or giving a compliment to a classmate. These small acts helped foster a sense of community and connection, reminding everyone of the positive impact we can have on each other's day. It was a week full of smiles, thoughtful gestures, and a collective effort to spread kindness in meaningful ways.


Cereal Box Challenge



Mrs. Cortina and Ms. Arceri are elated to announce “The Cereal Box Kindness Challenge” was a HUGE success! This activity engaged our school community in a creative project, but also served as a reminder of how kindness can spread like a chain reaction. As a final culmination of this special week, we gathered at South Elementary on February 19th with South Middle School to have a large "all school" meeting and buddy activity. 

During this time, we lined up all the donated cereal boxes in a domino pattern, setting them up so that they topple one after the other. The goal was to visually demonstrate how one small action can have a big impact, just like kindness. When one box falls, it triggers the next — a powerful reminder that one act of kindness can inspire many more. A BIG Thank you to Taylor LaBau, Alexa Kinney, and Dawn Rhodes for their assistance with this special activity! 



After, SHRES students welcomed our preschool and Middle School On Location students back to their classrooms. As students returned to their classrooms, they had the opportunity to participate in a special activity in partnership with Union Coffee Shop. In honor of Random Acts of Kindness Week (2/10/25-2/14/25), students decorated coffee sleeves with uplifting messages and creative designs. These thoughtfully crafted sleeves will be handed out randomly to customers at the coffee shop, spreading positivity with every cup. It was a wonderful way for students to contribute to the community and share kindness with others. So, next time you grab a coffee, you might just receive a little surprise and enjoy a random act of kindness! 

Mrs. Cortina and Ms. Arcieri would like to thank all of our students and staff who donated cereal to help make this special event happen. PTO generously provided snacks for all the students to enjoy while building new friendships during our buddy activities, which was much appreciated!  It was truly a joy to see staff and students with smilies on their faces! 

Happy Birthday, Mr. Miller!

For Mr. Miller's birthday, Miss Isabella, Ms. Arcieri, and Ms.Howarth teamed up to surprise him with a creative and festive decoration for his office. They covered the walls and furniture in wrapping paper, transforming his workspace into a birthday wonderland. As a special touch, students also signed a large card, leaving heartfelt messages to show their appreciation for Mr. Miller. It was a fun and meaningful way to celebrate his special day, with everyone contributing to the cheerful atmosphere.


What's Coming Up?
03.03.25 PTO Meeting @ 7:00 - SHRES
03.05.25 Early Dismissal - Parent Teacher Conferences
03.06.25 Early Dismissal - Parent Teacher Conferences
03.07.25 No School - Staff In-Service
03.14.25 6th Grade Field Trip @ Watershed Institute