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SHRSD Q&A for 2024-2025

Posted Date: 7/03/24 (3:23 PM)

What is the status of the South Hunterdon Regional Elementary School?
We are entering the final phases of finishing the renovation. Construction will be concluding by the end of June. Furniture and technology will be delivered and installed during the month of July. We plan on hosting an Open House for families and community members on August 15, 2024 in the morning and evening. More information will be shared as we get closer to August. Here is our mascot/logo for the South Hunterdon Regional Elementary School Eagles. Mascot and Logo
What is the status of the South Hunterdon Regional Middle School?
We continue to make excellent progress on the new middle school. The new completion date is March 31, 2025. We will not move into the building until the summer of 2025 in preparation for our 5th - 8th graders to start in September 2025.
What will the student arrival and dismissal times be for 2024-2025?
Preschool, Elementary and Grades 5/6: 8:30 am - 3:20 pm
Grades 7-12: 7:55 am - 2:45 pm
When will I find out my child’s classroom teacher or schedule for 2024-2025?
The district will be releasing that information on Wednesday, August 14 via OnCourse for all K-12 students. More details will be shared as we get closer to August.
When will I find out my child’s bus assignment if they are taking the bus in 2024-2025?
This information will be posted in OnCourse by Friday, August 23. 
What type of orientation programs will the district be running for the 2024-2025 school year?
We will be offering a free Kindergarten Camp for any of our students entering Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year. The camp will run from Monday, August 19 - Thursday, August 22 from 8:30 am - 11:30 am at the new elementary school. Our Kindergarten teachers will be facilitating the camp. This is an excellent way for your child to get acclimated to Kindergarten before the start of the school year. Transportation will be provided for any student who is provided transportation during the school year. If you are interested in having your child participate, please complete this form. SHRSD Kindergarten Camp Registration

Preschool: There will be a Preschool Orientation on Monday, August 26 from 9:00 am - 10:30am for students attending preschool at the South Hunterdon Regional Elementary School. There will be a Preschool Orientation on Monday, August 26 from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm for students attending preschool at the West Amwell School.
Elementary (K-4): There will be an Ice Cream Social/Find Your Classroom for all K-4 students on Monday, August 26 from 3:00 - 4:30 pm.  
5th and 6th Grade: There will be a Break the Ice/Find Your Classroom for all 5th and 6th grade students at the West Amwell School on Monday, August 26 from 5:30 - 6:30 pm. 
7th Grade: There will be a grade 7 orientation/new students on August 14 at 4pm or August 19 at 1 pm at the middle/high school. 
7th and 9th Grade: We will be hosting a Barbecue for all 7th and 9th grade students and families on Wednesday, September 4 from 5-7 pm. After eating students will have the opportunity to participate in an activity fair to learn more about clubs/activities/sports they can participate in at South. Parents will spend time learning about the academic programming we have for our students.
More details about all of the above orientation programs will be shared as we get closer to August.
Will there be a before and aftercare program at the elementary school?
Families will have several options for before and aftercare. The YMCA will be housed at the elementary school and be offering before and aftercare to students in PreK-4. Here is a link for their aftercare program. They are in the process of transferring registration from WAS to South Hunterdon Regional Elementary School. YMCA Registration Link
The Lambertville Academy will be offering before and aftercare and as in the past they will walk students from the elementary school to the academy at the end of the day. For more information visit Lambertville Academy or call 609-397-8477.
We will provide transportation for our preschool, 5th and 6th grade students attending the West Amwell School to the elementary school if they are participating in either aftercare program. 
Who will be the Principal at each school next year?
Mrs. Quinones will be the Principal at the South Hunterdon Regional Elementary School.
Mr. Miller will be the Principal for the 5th/ 6th graders as well as the preschool classes at WAS.
Mrs. MacKnight and Mr. Miller will be the Principal and Vice Principal at the middle/high school.
What type of supplies will my child need for school next year?
PreK - 6: To reduce parent expenses for school supplies and unnecessary waste, the district will provide students with classroom materials needed for a successful school year.  We request that families provide students with a backpack, headphones, reusable water bottle, and snack/lunch bag.  These important back-to-school supplies will ensure that students are ready for school.   Everything else will be provided by the district. If you need support with any of these items, please contact your child’s School Counselor.
7-12: Teachers will communicate supply needs at the start of the school year.